Pros and Cons of Mini Pig Ownership

Pros and Cons of Mini Pig Ownership

  • Pro- Pigs are extremely intelligent.
  • Con- Their extreme intelligence can get them in trouble. Mini pigs need lots of attention and stimulation to keep their minds busy.


  • Pro- Pigs are emotional and sensitive animals.
  • Con- They bond deeply with at least one if not all members of the family. They can experience depression and act out if their family should take a vacation or they are relocated to another family.


  • Pro- Pigs can be very cuddly animals that may even enjoy sharing the family bed at night.
  • Con- Pigs hooves are sharp and can cause bruising if you are stepped on.




  • Pro- Pigs are highly motivated by food, which aids in their ease of training.
  • Con-Pigs are highly motivated by food, so they can learn to get into cabinets, trash cans, and the refrigerator. Baby proofing is a must.




  • Pro- Pigs are hypoallergenic, they have hair instead of fur. There are people that can have a reaction to their hair.
  • Cons- Their hair is course and sharp. They also shed out their entire body of hair at least once a year.  This is referred to as blowing their coat.


  • Pro-Pigs are very clean animals. They do not have a body odor and like a tidy space to sleep in.
  • Con-Pigs are pigs at meal time. They are notorious for getting their meal everywhere and tipping their water bowls.


  • Pro- Pigs enjoy outdoor time and seem to prefer using an outdoor potty area.
  • Con- Pigs root as a natural behavior which can destroy a yard and landscaping.


  • Pro- Pigs can be trained to use a litter pan.
  • Con- Litter, shavings, etc. can get messy and require constant cleaning as most pigs will not potty in a messy pan.


  • Pro- Pig maintenance such as hoof care, worming, grooming can be done at home.
  • Con- It can be very difficult to find a vet that will treat a pig if there should be a health concern or emergency. Please have a vet in place before adding a pig to your family.


  • Pro- Everyone will want to come and meet a new pig member of the family to cuddle and take pics with him or her.
  • Con- When you are ready to vacation with your family, it will be difficult to find anyone to watch your pig while you are gone.


  • Pro- It is very easy to fall in love with a pig and the love they give back is unlike any other pet.
  • Con- It is very easy to spoil a pig and when they do not get what they want they can be loud, pushy, and difficult to handle. A spoiled pig is a naughty pig.



  • Pro- Pigs can be bathed with gentle human products such as baby shampoo or dandruff shampoo.
  • Con- Pigs do not necessarily love baths. They will get loud, poop in your tub, and even jump to escape bath time.



  • Pro- Adding a pig to the family is like adding a new child.  They have the intellect comparable to a 3-4 year old child.
  • Con- They require a strict routine that they can depend on, constant guidance with a firm, but gentle hand. Positive reinforcement for good behavior.  They are like toddlers that never grow older, just bigger.